Good Morning everyone!
We all should now be recovered from the weekend and Saturday's sale by now, I hope you all had a good time. It was so nice to see
everyone's creations, especially those who didn't get to participate in last October's sale. I have a few photos I took so I'll post them when I get a chance.
I personally did alright, about what I expected to do. I didn't think it was going to go over as well as Octobers sale, since that was a great location, and we had the start of the Christmas rush. i think this location has good potential though, it will just take more time. I hope everyone will take the time and post your thoughts and feelings in regards to last Saturdays sale. Any thoughts on what we could do different/better?
Also I know many of you are taking classes at Bedrock this weekend, let us know how they go!
Have a nice week. Amanda